SS-02: The Impact of Style Branding: Influence on Others and Ourselves.
“People don’t understand the messages that their clothes send,” says Ms. Waldt, a recruiter with CTPartners.
Scientific research confirms that our clothing choices wield a profound influence on both others and ourselves.
Beginning with the impact on others, the critical first six to eight seconds of an encounter emphasize the rapidity with which people form judgments. In professional settings like job interviews or networking events, the first few seconds of interaction play a pivotal role in shaping perceptions of confidence, competence, likability, and more, with initial impressions often leaving a lasting impact.
For instance, subtle clothing choices can inadvertently convey unintended messages, such as a tight shirt or a low neckline perceived as seductive. Sending the right messages through clothing is crucial in influencing promotion opportunities. A defined brand is critical to conveying intelligence, professionalism, and worthiness for advancement, allowing for consistency without resorting to a rigid wardrobe.
Moving on to the effects on ourselves, a notable 2012 study by researchers Adam and Galinsky at Northwestern University explored the relationship between clothing and behavior. The experiment involved students wearing identical lab coats labeled "doctor's white coat" or "artistic painter's white coat" while taking the same test.
The group wearing the doctor's coat consistently outperformed the others, concluding that clothing carries symbolic meaning impacting behavior and performance. If you're interested in learning more about this experiment, read here.
In conclusion, I would like to say, “It's not a magical trait that some people are just born with, but rather a set of skills that you can learn to help you advance into senior leadership positions.” Subtle changes in your clothing can significantly affect your actions, underscoring the importance of a well-defined professional style brand.
To guide your outfit choices, consider your day, who you'll be working with, how you want to feel, and what you aim to achieve. By answering these, you can craft a wardrobe brand strategy that communicates your identity and intentions clearly, fostering the right vibes and intentions with no room for confusion or uncertainty.